Alexa, Who is Aariv Modi? : “An Eleven year old Alexa Programmer building Cool Skills”

“My most recent skill, STEM Party, is my favorite. Today, no one would deny the importance of an education in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) for students. STEM Party is a math and science quiz game where kids can increase their knowledge. I really like this skill because it is the first skill that I added APL too! Since it has buttons on certain screens, the user can respond using touch or voice. It also saves the user’s total score and highest streak to DynamoDB so the user can attempt to beat it each time they come back.” Continue reading Alexa, Who is Aariv Modi? : “An Eleven year old Alexa Programmer building Cool Skills”

60,420,900 Views & Counting: YouTube invests in this Indian EduTech Startup Don’t Memorise: Exclusive Interview with ever ‘Kyurious’ Ganesh Pai

I wanted to teach 100 kids. My dad pushed me to teach a million kids. Currently, as we speak, if I consider YouTube, Don’t Memorise website and Udemy where we have some course materials, the total views are approximately 70 Million.

When parents are struggling to keep the gadgets away from the kids and restrict the screentime, platforms like Don’t Memorise can be a sort of savior to make sure that there is some learning happening always. Continue reading 60,420,900 Views & Counting: YouTube invests in this Indian EduTech Startup Don’t Memorise: Exclusive Interview with ever ‘Kyurious’ Ganesh Pai

The Dad’s Learning Curve : Break from Corporate life and Sneak peek into Parenting

Negotiating skills used during corporate life to reduce million dollars does not apply when it comes to negotiating with my daughter over a chocolate/candy. The tallest chair or sharp corners are her favourite play areas, so my focus on her needs to be more than 100%. Pram is a life saver when you make numerous trip to Tesco, playschool enquiries and parks. Continue reading The Dad’s Learning Curve : Break from Corporate life and Sneak peek into Parenting